Shooting Salt is tough!
The challenge of photographing it ranges from making a plain pile of salt look interesting to featuring salt in a finished dish in a way that actually shows the salt. So, we thought that salt would make a good photo challenge.
What Happened: We sent bloggers 5 samples of cooking and finishing salts: Hawaiian Red Salt, Hawaiian Pink Salt, Ginger Salt, Espresso Salt & Flor de Sal. Their challenge was to create two amazing photographs: One of just salt, and the other of a finished dish that showed the salt well.
What People Submitted: Visit the Finishing Salt Photo Gallery
The Reward: Two challengers were picked to receive the Grand Madame of finishing touches: our Edible Microflower Blend. Readers of the Marx Foods blog picked Eats Well With Others‘ submission in a poll. Our seattle food photographer picked Ravenous Couple’s submission as his favorite.
Comments 4
what a great idea! steam is the other hard thing to capture naturally, but doubt you sell any steam
we’ll like to be considered for the challenge!
glad you like the idea … nope, we haven’t figured out yet how to package steam
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