Comments 12

  1. A grand post in fine Deana style. Wonderful history, great photos, well-written, and two fantastic dishes. You cannot help but learn something every time Deana holds court.

    Bravo, two thumbs up!

  2. That really looks delicious – great combinations of flavors and enticing photography.

    I’ve just recently completed an ancestry search with my cousins and created a book. Along the way I found some recipes from the area in Italy where my paternal grandparents came from and I’m planning to feature some of them on my blog…one of these days.

  3. Deana, you’ve got me laughing. I’ve sent this post to my best buddies who will
    DELIGHT as I have from the start as soon as I read cherries, prunes, and prosciutto
    roasted with tenderloin. Heavens above. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    This reminds me of tasting a tangine for the first time years ago in the east village before I ever knew
    what a tangine was.
    There goes my weekend, hmmm.

  4. Thanks everyone for stopping in. I know some of you and the others..well I look forward to seeing your blogs! History and food are natural companions and the research is nothing but pure pleasure. I just hope that you learn a little something … enough to make you want to learn more. The recipes are really spectacular and so decadently delicious.

  5. Pingback: Best Recipes of the Third Quarter « Justin Marx, CEO,

  6. Pingback: Another Renaissance Recipe: Scappi's Braised Beef - Crystal King

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