Recipe Challenge for Bloggers

Sarah MickeyAll Recipes, General 5 Comments

Ho, ho, ho bloggers!  Welcome, welcome!  Take a break from watching the “It’s A Wonderful Life” reruns and have a seat on Marx Foods’ virtual knee.  My, how your blog has grown!  Now, tell us what you’ve been up to…have you been a good little foodie this year? 

Katy sewed some stockings, Justin Marx loaded them up with sample goodies and Nyoki posed for the camera.  We are looking for 12 bloggers to send a stocking to.  Each stocking contains about 12 samples and your choice of the items below.  Take these ingredients and make at least one recipe with them.  We’ll have a recipe challenge in January, formatting, timing and reward goodies tbd.

How To Enter:

Write in a post on your blog (or include as part of another post) an answer to the following  questions:
a.  Why have you been a good foodie this year?
                (use any interpretation of “good foodie” you want … pull on our heart strings with your
work in soup kitchens, talk about how you have taken your culinary game to new
heights, write something hysterical or naughty … or anything else)

b. What gift from Marx Foods do you want for the holidays?
               Choose aged balsamic vinegar, natural truffle oil, fennel pollen, bourbon vanilla beans
or saffron threads and tell us why you’d like to receive it.1  We will include that item
with your stocking full of samples.

Then publish your post and e-mail a link to Justin (at) MarxFoods (dot) com by 12/15.

The Marx Foods Reindogs and some rather tall Marx Foods elves will then pick 9 of their favorite entries.  Katy made 12 stockings, but since Anamaris from Chef it Yourself provided the initial spark of inspiration for this recipe challenge, we are sending her and two bloggers of her choice stockings.  We will pick the other 9.

On 12/20 we will ship each blogger selected a stocking packed with the goodie they chose, PLUS a bunch of other random tasty treats (dried wild mushrooms, specialty salts… a whole bunch of random stuff will be in there…) arriving in time for Christmas.

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1 (sorry, no Ghost Chilies.  You’ll shoot your eye out kid!)

Comments 5

  1. Pingback: The Adventures of Good Foodie in Marxland « Chef It Yourself

  2. If only I saw this earlier 🙁 I was so caught up in Iron Food Madness I didn’t realize the contests below were still live. I’ll be watching more closely after this. Well, with the eye I have left after the ghost chili mishap. 😉

  3. Dang! I’ve been so busy with the holidays that I haven’t been paying close enough attention lately and am just seeing this now. Sadly, I already knew Nyoki was planning something and still didn’t manage to stay on top of it! Oh well, better luck next time. Have fun folks!

    Just for the record, I would have opted for the Balsamic. The other options are great, but I’m assuming you have a better balsamic than what I can get locally.

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