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Duck Meat Breed Guide: The Big 3 Breeds

Browse our duck meat guide to find the perfect cut of duck for your next meal. We have a selection of wholesale duck breasts and wholesale duck legs available.


Anas platyrhynchos

Synonyms: Peking Ducks, Long Island Ducklings, White Pekin Ducks, American Pekins

Benefits of Pekin Duck Meat: Classic “Mild” Duck Flavor, Easiest to Find, Used in Most Recipes

Pekin ducks are a Chinese duck breed that was the first one commercially raised in the US. Fast-growing, fertile, and efficient, they are a farmer favorite and represent over half of all ducks raised for meat in the US. Consequently, they are the duck breed you’re most likely to encounter on restaurant menus or in the grocery store.

Pekin duck meat is tender, with a comparatively mild flavor that most Americans think of when they think “duck”. They carry a lot of flavorful surface fat that can be rendered & saved for other recipes.

Whenever a recipe calls for duck without specifying a variety, it is usually safe to assume they’re calling for Pekin.

Browse Pekin Duck Cuts >


Synonyms: Magret Ducks, Mulard Ducks, Mule Ducks

Benefits of Moulard Duck Meat: Large Cuts, More Flavor than Pekin, More Surface Fat than Muscovy

Moulard ducks are the sterile offspring of breeding a male Muscovy duck and a female Pekin duck. They’re highly prized in southwestern France, Canada, and the US as the duck breed of choice for foie gras production.

Magret/Moulard cuts are large and offer bolder flavor than Pekin duck, but more surface fat than Muscovy ducks.

Some chefs consider Muscovy/Moulard cuts the best of both worlds because they offer a synthesis of both breeds. Plus, more fat on the surface than Muscovy means more can be rendered off in the pan and saved for use as cooking fat in other dishes.

Browse Moulard Duck Cuts >


Cairina moschata

Synonyms: Barbary Ducks

Benefits of Muscovy Duck Meat: Stronger Flavor, Less Fat, Larger Cuts

Muscovy ducks are a larger breed native to Mexico, Central & South America. They have a bolder flavor than the quintessential Pekin duck. Their cuts are also larger, providing heartier servings.

Muscovy ducks carry a lot less fat (surface fat and in the meat) than Pekin or Moulard ducks. Compared to Pekin ducks, their breasts have 50% less surface fat, and the meat itself is 99% lean.

If you love duck, but want more of its quintessential deep flavor, Muscovy is the breed for you. Its larger cuts also make for more impressive, hearty servings.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions about duck breeds and meat!

Duck Legs

Duck Anatomy: Breasts vs. Legs

Duck breasts are a fast-cooking cut, but you need to render out their fat first. Chefs typically score the skin to expose the fat. They then put the breasts in a pan, skin-side down, over Medium Low heat. They slowly render out much of the duck fat, until the skin has crisped.

Excess fat that collects in the pan should be drained off & saved – it’s one of the most delicious cooking fats known to man.

Once the duck fat has been rendered, the breast can be quickly finished in the pan, on the grill, or in the oven.

Duck breasts are also delicious smoked.

Duck legs are very flavorful, but must be slow-cooked in order to become tender. The most well-known application is cooking them submerged in their own fat (“confit”), which imparts flavor and helps keep them moist. They can also be braised, roasted, or cooked sous vide.