Duck confit spring roll

Duck Confit Spring Rolls

Sarah MickeyAll Recipes, Duck Recipes, FAVORITE SPRING RECIPES Leave a Comment

Duck Confit Spring Rolls

Makes 4 Servings (10-12 spring rolls)
Dry Riesling, Gewürztraminer or Vietnamese Beer

Duck confit is by nature extremely rich, but here it’s balanced with light, crispy veggies, fresh daikon, mint and Thai basil. The result is delightfully ducky, but not heavy.

duck confit spring roll
  • 2 Confit Duck Legs (we used homemade duck confit)
  • 1 package Daikon Sprouts
  • ½ cup julienne’d Cucumber
  • ½ cup julienne’d Carrot
  • ½ cup julienne’d Red Cabbage
  • 10-12 fresh Mint Leaves
  • 10-12 fresh Thai Basil Leaves
  • 10-12 Spring Roll Wrappers



Pull the skin off the confit duck legs and reserve.

Strip the meat from the bones and shred it. If desired, reserve the bones for stock making.

Put the reserved strips of skin in a lightly oiled frying pan (just enough oil to film the bottom of the pan) over medium-high heat.

Fry the skin until completely crispy, then remove it from the pan to paper towels to dry.


Pat the duck skin dry, then lightly salt it and crumble it into small pieces.

Briefly dip a spring roll wrapper in cool water until it softens and becomes pliable, then move it to a cutting board to build your roll. Repeat as you make each roll.

In a line down the center of each spring roll wrapper put ¼ cup duck meat, 1 tsp of the crispy duck skin, an equal portion of each the three julienned vegetables, daikon sprouts (or withhold them as a garnish), one torn mint leaf and one torn Thai basil leaf.

Fold each perpendicular side in so that it covers its side of the ingredients by one to one half inch.

Fold the bottom up and over to enclose the ingredients completely.

Roll this “pouch” up along the remaining top flap, very gently tucking in as you go. Let the finished roll sit for a moment in the residual water to self-seal.

Repeat with the other rolls.

Optional: Cut the spring rolls in half on the bias, stand the cut sides up, and stuff some of the daikon sprouts into them.

Serve with the nuoc mam sauce on the side for dipping.

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